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Wow. It's been awhile.

My last post was shortly after my return from my 2020 retreat to the Caribbean. And here we are, more than four years later, and what a ride it's been.

My doctor and I are both pretty sure that I contracted COVID-19 in the Panama International Airport on my way home from Costa Rica in March 2020. I was sick as a dog, keeping myself out of the hospital with steroids and inhalers, and finally crawling out of bed about three weeks later. Since then, I've dealt with a super scary blood pressure spike (now back to normal), extreme fatigue, and other nonsense that continues to this day.

As part of the Mayo Clinic's study on long-COVID, I've learned a lot about this virus and what it can do to people. My life has definitely changed...

I gained a lot of weight, consumed a lot of tequila, lost a lot of weight, and still consume a lot of tequila.

I volunteered for several organizations, modmin'd a bunch of Facebook groups, and went to dozens and dozens of doctor & therapist appointments. I learned a lot about myself and the world around me, and decided to resign from as many things as possible as I find my way back to the strong, confident, active woman I used to be.

The Crones Project, remains important to my heart & soul... it's one of those things that feeds vs. drains ye olde internal battery pack.

I have lots of photos & stories to share, so many fascinating elder women to meet, and more solo travel to do with my shiny tiny home, "The Crone Zone."

Please stay tuned.

Woman with arms up behind Airstream trailer in wooded setting
Extra proud for dumping the black tank in just 15 minutes!


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